Google Chrome
Google Chrome is a free web browser quick and easy to use, while keeping you safe on the Web. Google Chrome is currently available for Windows (XP and Vista), Mac OS X, and Linux.
How to install Google Chrome for your user account in Windows, follow these steps:
- Visit
- Click Download Google Chrome. Download the installer file from this location ensures that you will get updates, security fixes, and access to all features of Google Chrome.
- Learn the Terms of Service, then click Accept and Install button to continue. You can submit damage reports and statistics on the frequency of use of Google Chrome features to Google by selecting the checkbox at the bottom. Google Chrome does not send personal information, such as name, email address, or Google Account information.
- After the installation is complete, the dialog box Welcome to Google Chrome will appear. Click Start Google Chrome to complete the installation Ubahsuai congenital or click mengubahsuai these settings for your installation.
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